Grilled Little Gem Lettuce

Grilled Little Gem lettuce

Grilled Little Gem lettuce with seaweed, chili mayonnaise, cashew nuts and fresh seaweed (2 servings)

Lunch, mini-meal
  • 2 heads Little Gem lettuce
  • A good handful cashew nuts
  • A good handful fresh Winged Kelp or Sugar Kelp (or a combination)
  • Salt and pepper
  • High quality olive oil
  • Lemon juice
  • Dried and milled Winged Kelp or Sugar Kelp (1 mm)

Split the lettuce heads in two, and grill or fry it on high temperature until nice and golden on both sides, season with salt and pepper. Boil the seaweed for 2 minutes in lightly salted water, then rapidly cool it in ice water, press out excess water. Dip the seaweed in olive oil and lemon juice right before serving. Place Little Gem on a plate, top with boiled seaweed, nuts and chili maionnaise, and sprinkle with dried and milled seaweed.

Chili Mayonnaise

  • 4 tbsp Seaweed Mayonnaise (link)
  • 1 tbsp chili ketchup

Mix mayonnaise and ketchup.